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Learn why companies with good design outperform their competitors. Our blog consists of case studies, development tutorials and Custom Design Partners news and events.

  • Our GoHighLevel Review For 2024

    Navigating the digital marketing sphere often entails juggling multiple tools and platforms, each serving a distinct purpose yet rarely working in perfect harmony. This extensive GoHighLevel review is rooted in our firsthand experience over the past three years, offering a perspective that goes beyond mere feature listings. Our goal is to encapsulate what GoHighLevel is, its advantages and disadvantages, the pivotal reasons behind our switch, its application in our daily routines, its pricing structure, and real-life insights. Through this experience-based lens, we aspire to guide you in deciding if GoHighLevel is the right tool for your marketing and CRM needs. Click here and get started with GoHighLevel! What is Go HighLevel? GoHighLevel is a comprehensive sales and marketing platform designed to scale businesses and foster customer relationships from the ground up. It stands out by providing a suite of tools for capturing leads, nurturing client relations, and closing sales on a global scale. Particularly beneficial for agencies grappling with sales and marketing automation challenges, GoHighLevel incorporates a CRM system for lead generation, automation, and management, thereby simplifying lead handling and client relationship building. Pros and Cons of Go HighLevel Pros: Affordability: Priced competitively, offering a great value proposition. All-in-One Platform: Combines sales […]

  • Advice I Would Give Myself 7 Years Ago For Building a Highly Lucrative Lead Gen Business

    Presented by Andrew Goebel In the digital age, the business of lead generation has transformed from a mere afterthought to a pivotal cornerstone of a company’s success. Reflecting on my journey, there’s a slew of advice I wish I could send back in time to myself when I was starting in the lead gen industry. And now, working with Custom Design Partners, I’ve honed these points to help anyone who’s aspiring to dominate in this field. 1. The Golden Rule: Select a High-Ticket Industry with Good Margins It’s not just about generating leads; it’s about generating valuable leads. Aim for industries where the average sale value is high, and profit margins are attractive. 2. Quick Conversions are the Key If you can, target markets where leads convert faster. This not only ensures a quicker ROI but also keeps your clients happier and more engaged. 3. Prioritize Buyer Urgency Sell leads that are not just interested, but are urgently seeking a solution. This minimizes market disruption and maximizes conversion potential. 4. Cater to Established Businesses Steer clear of ‘back yard barrys’ and one-man-shows. Focus on established businesses that have a proven track record of converting leads. These businesses not only recognize […]

  • Instruction Manual for Auto-Tagging a Lead in GoHighLevel from Gravity Forms Using Zapier and Creating Automations Triggered by Specific Tags

    This instruction manual will guide you through the process of auto-tagging a lead in GoHighLevel from Gravity Forms using Zapier and creating automations

  • Instruction Manual for Linking Gravity Forms to GoHighLevel using Zapier

    This instruction manual will guide you through the process of linking Gravity Forms to GoHighLevel using Zapier, a powerful automation tool that connects

  • Instruction Manual for Mailgun’s Domain Verification Process

    This instruction manual will guide you through the process of verifying a domain with Mailgun. By following these steps, you will be able

  • Instruction Manual for Auto Tagging Leads in GoHighLevel from Jotform using Zapier and Creating Automations Triggered by Specific Tags

    This instruction manual will guide you through the process of auto tagging leads in GoHighLevel from Jotform using Zapier, and then creating automations

  • Instruction Manual for Linking Jotform to GoHighLevel using Zapier

    This instruction manual will guide you through the process of linking Jotform to GoHighLevel using Zapier, a powerful automation tool that connects different

  • Meta Doesn’t Recommend Their Official WordPress Plugin for Conversion API (CAPI)

    Last month we spoke to multiple Meta representatives that reached out to our team regarding several ad accounts we manage concerning Facebook’s Conversion API integration. Like many, we were under the assumption that Facebook’s Official plugin, “Meta pixel for WordPress,” supports CAPI. In fact, the plugin description even claims it does by saying: “This plugin will install a Meta Pixel for your page so you can capture the actions people take when they interact with your pages, such as Lead, ViewContent, AddToCart, InitiateCheckout, and Purchase events. It also includes support for the Conversions API.” These Meta support technicians weren’t the average ads support agents. They specialized in Facebook’s conversion API, event tracking, and CRM integrations, so I went along with them. The reps told us that the official Meta pixel plugin for WordPress was broken and has never supported CAPI! He informed us that the official CAPI plugin for WordPress is actually “PixelYourSite” which we’ve used before for other things but not Facebook pixels. I was a bit skeptical, but I added the plugin, connected the conversion API token, and tested the events, and it was working fine. Why would Facebook’s official plugin that claims to support CAPI not work and suggest […]